Friday, June 8, 2007

Online Poetry Workshop

Hello everyone. Does anyone still read this blogspot? I wanted to let you know I'm going to start a poetry workshop blog at the end of the summer. It will be really low-key--so don't worry about time obligation. We each can post a poem in the main body of a blog, then comments can be posted in the comment section under each poem. All of this can be done at your leisure. I only ask that for every poem of your own you post, you comment on at least three different poems by your peers. Comments can be global or local.

Email me if your interested:

I'll probably start it at the end of August.

Here's a great book of poems to check out: Body of the World by Sam Taylor. I found it refreshing, unique, and inspiring.

Cheers, Tana


AlegraMarcel said...

Actually, a site like facebook might be better - anyone can join and post. the format is designed for collaboration by gouips, but blogs are typically designed for one person to shape them.

stan golds said...

Greetings mfa. I have linked to your blog and shall you link to mine. We can cross link our purposes and eventually infuse the internet with such beauty it will cease to exist. Then furry bears and people will be together forever. Thank you. Stan Goldsmith (MFA Poetry 2001).

AlegraMarcel said...

Maybe the site owner of sdsu mfa blog can create an "SDSU MFA Alumni Links" section in the "Layout" of the blog. Then all alumni can add their links there.